Accessibility statement

This site uses the proprietary Content Management System of APT Servizi and has been designed following the indications of the Law 4 of January 9, 2004 and of the Guidelines on the accessibility of IT tools of 9/1/2020.

Requests and reports

You are invited to the following feedback mechanism to use inaccessible documents, pages or sections, in order to provide you with alternative content and to correct errors.

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Accessibility statements 

Websites and applications

Below is the list of accessibility statements of this site and its specific applications

App on Google Play store

All Android apps (official account)

App on Apple store

All Apple apps (official account)

Accessibility goals

The accessibility objectives are published annually on the Transparent Administration website.

Last update 15/10/2024
OFFICIAL TOURIST INFORMATION SITE © 2024 Emilia-Romagna Region Tourism and Commerce Department