Giardini d'Autore

Gardening exhibition with the best Italian nurserymen

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    Other events
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    Nature & Outdoor, Riviera

Gardeners know well what patience is, the time of waiting, the time of sacrifice, the time of care, the time needed to protect the seeds in the earth to keep them sheltered. Nature tells us that we need a break to be reborn and flourish more luxuriantly every year. 

So the gardening exhibition with the best Italian nurserymen returns to Rimini for the Spring edition, to re-propose a program full of events and new ideas for decorating homes and gardens with garden experts, artisans, artists and designers.

The spring botanical event moves to the historic center of Rimini for a weekend between nature and beauty, in the evocative setting of Castel Sismondo and Piazza Malatesta.


  • Piazza Malatesta - Rimini (Rimini)
18 - 19 March 2023
9.30am - 8.30pm
  • Fee

Information offices

IAT - Ufficio Informazioni Rimini Centro Città
Piazzale Battisti, 1 - Rimini (RN)
+ 39 0541 51331 + 39 0541 53399 Opening: all year round
IAT - Ufficio Informazioni di Rimini Marina Centro
Piazzale Fellini, 3 - Rimini (RN)
+ 39 0541 56902 + 39 0541 53399 Opening: all year round
Rimini Visitor Center
Corso d’Augusto, 235 - Rimini (RN)
+ 39 0541 29833 Opening: all year round
Rimini Marvelli
Piazza Marvelli, 8/b - Rimini (RN)
+ 39 0541 390530 Opening: seasonal

Editorial Staff

Redazione Rimini

Last update 11/03/2023

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