PDO Patata di Bologna

As good as the land it grows on and as delicious as the very best potato

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Not to dry, wet or floury, the PDO patata di Bologna potato grows in the countryside surrounding Bologna, the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. Imported in the early 19th century, it was not long until this tuberous crop took hold as a vital resource for the rural economy of the entire province.

The properties of the land, the optimum climate and the cultivation techniques with a low environmental impact used in this area over the last two centuries, have turned this crop into a healthy and wholesome product, packed with vitamins and mineral salts. As such, a consorzio (consortium) of farmers and packagers has been monitoring the quality, historical accuracy and affiliation of this potato since 1992.

In cuisine

With its smooth skin, long shape and medium-firm, straw-yellow flesh, out of all the potatoes grown in the area, the Primura potato is the one that has succeeded in becoming a symbol of Bologna. Recommended as part of a healthy diet for children and the elderly, this potato can be baked in the oven or steamed, or used to make mashed potatoes, fried potatoes and much more.

It is often accompanied with fish, such as salted cod or cuttlefish, but may also make an appearance in dishes with rather distinctive flavours, such as the roulade stubanki, with pear carpaccio.


Last update 23/11/2021
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