Safe Driving Courses

On the racetracks of the Land of Motors, the most exciting safe driving experiences in the world

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Every year at Emilia-Romagna’s racetracks, courses are periodically organized, that are dedicated to anyone who wants to improve their driving safety. These are training courses that, by combining theory and practice, teach drivers how to control their own car/motorbike in their everyday life and in all environmental conditions.

DRIVING and RACING - Misano World Circuit Racetrack

The Misano Adriatico track is an authentic laboratory, a concentration of all the possible variables that you could encounter in your everyday life when driving your vehicle.
The track runs safe driving and race-car driving courses thanks to the Siegfrid Stohr driving school: a great opportunity not only to learn more about your vehicle but also to learn the correct techniques for managing critical or emergency situations on the road.

DUCATI RIDING EXPERIENCE - Misano World Circuit Racetrack

Teaching and instructors of the highest level, the latest Ducati range and lots of fun in complete safety: lovers of two-wheeled vehicles can turn to the Ducati Driving School to improve their driving on the most beautiful and best-performing motorcycles in the world

LAMBORGHINI ACADEMY - Misano World Circuit Racetrack

The best way to learn to drive safely is to practice: this is the founding principle that guides the sports-car driving courses created by the Lamborghini Racing Team. Designed for every level, it is possible to test yourself on the whole Lamborghini road vehicles range, followed step by step by instructors from the Lamborghini factory itself.


Established in 1991 from Andrea de Adamich’s great love, the International Centre for Safe Driving works in the field of road safety training, in a historic collaboration with Alfa Romeo, combining the highest standards of professionalism, training and safety.
With more than 200 days of training per year, it is a leading organization in this sector, not least thanks to the characteristics of the Varano racetrack, which includes all types of bends that are also found on real roads that are open to traffic.

MASTER MASERATI - Varano de’ Melegari Racetrack

Inside the Varano de’ Melegari technical racetrack, the best Master Maserati instructors offer safe and sports-car driving courses to give their pupils the possibility to test, in a thorough and completely safe manner, the performance of the various Trident models.
This program is designed on several levels to encourage maximum diver-car integration and, consequently, a better driving experience.

Last update 26/10/2021

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