Abbey of Monteveglio Regional Park

In the heart of the Samoggia Valley, the charm of a hilly landscape made of tree-covered slopes, small valleys and grey ravines around a castle and a very ancient parish church

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In a land that has always been on the fringes, halfway between Bologna and Modena, the Abbey of Monteveglio Regional Park extends for a thousand hectares.

Among vineyards, orchards and steep slopes, the remains of a Matildic castle stand out, famous for its tormented events of its medieval past, and the religious complex of the Abbey of Santa Maria di Monteveglio with its thousand-year-old church.

The area is a harmonious synthesis of the natural and landscape features that are typical of the Bolognese hills. Like on a painter’s canvas, the colours blend together, drawing a mosaic made up of cultivated fields, hedges, wooded areas, interrupted here and there by the grey of the ancient clay outcrops of the ravines.

The environment and scenery

Large meadows full of shrubs and forests alternate with rugged and steep areas, and here and there encounter vineyards, which are still of great importance in the area. It is no coincidence, in fact, that this area not only produces wines of excellent quality but is also the headquarters of the Consorzio Vini Colli Bolognesi.

What can you do there?

Within the park itself, there is a network of organised pathways. The itineraries, all of which are well signposted and listed, are categorised into nature trails and pathways. 
The best thing is to leave your car in the parking area at the Visitor Centre, and from here set off on foot to discover this protected area.


Last update 17/05/2021

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