Ciclovia di Dante

224 km by bike between cities of art, medieval villages and unspoiled nature

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There are many ways to travel Dante's Way, many are the roads one can follow to cross the area of Romagna between the Adriatic and the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines. This stretch of land is inextricably linked to the memory of Dante Alighieri - the Father of Italian Literature - and his long pilgrimage.

Dante's Cycle Path is a fascinating bike itinerary between Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany designed for anyone who wants to embark on a journey on two wheels to discover a land where art, nature, history, and good food have always mixed together in perfect harmony.

The itinerary connects Florence and Ravenna, respectively birthplace and place of death of the Supreme Poet, and it offers a beautiful, varied landscape made up of plains, hills and woods.

Between picturesque villages and breathtaking views, the route touches some of the most significant places of Dante's narration.

The cycle path is made up of dirt roads and secondary roads, all with low traffic, suitable for all different types of cyclists, from beginners to more experienced enthusiasts.

Depending on your level of fitness, the route can also be done - alone or in company - in 3/4 days on board of E-Bikes, Gravel bikes and MTBs.

Dante's Cycle Path in Emilia-Romagna: 
from Ravenna to Marradi

1 | First stage: Ravenna - Bertinoro

Length: 67 km
Uphill difference in height: 270 m
Downhill difference in height: 100 m
Difficulty: challenging
Recommended for: expert cyclists

The cycle route starts from Ravenna, a Unesco city a stone's throw from the Adriatic and Dante Alighieri's last refuge.

From Ravenna, after paying homage to the Supreme Poet in front of his tomb, the itinerary proceeds southwards. After a quick visit to the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe, the first 20 km of the path will take you into one of the green areas of the territory, Pineta di Classe, part of the Po Delta Park.

Once at the gates of Cervia, a coastal village famous for its historic salt production, proceed southwest until you reach the cycle path of the river Savio.

Following the dirt roads of the path, you will soon reach the Cannuzzo River Park; and, after cycling for 15 km towards the hinterland, you will reach the city of Forlimpopoli.

Leaving the ancient Roman city behind, and following a short stretch of Via Emilia, you will encounter the first hill of the cycle path. It is the Cesubero hill, in the Cesena area, on top of which, after a difference in height of about 160 m, you will find Bertinoro, also known as the Balcony of Romagna.

2 | Second stage: Bertinoro - Brisighella

Length: 62 km
Uphill difference in height: 540 m
Downhill difference in height: 590 m
Difficulty: challenging
Recommended for: expert cyclists

After a tour of the town, you go back downhill and you will reach the river cycle path of the Ronco river, which will take you all the way to Forlì, the city that in 1303 received Dante Alighieri at the court of Scarpetta Ordelaffi.

After crossing the entire city, you will reach the Montone river cycle path, which will take you to the village of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole, Orange Flag of the Touring Club since 2005.

The path then turns northeast, taking you to the foothills of the Apennine belt and then through gullies and vineyards to the valley of the Montone river, skirting the small town of Oriolo dei Fichi.

The nex stop is Brisighella, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, located on the slopes of the Vena del Gesso Apennine Park. In the shadow of the Rocca Manfrediana and the Clock Tower, this small town has many suggestive spots to visit, such as the picturesque Via degli Asini.

3 | Third stage: Brisighella - Marradi

Length: 24 km 
Uphill difference in height: 60 m
Downhill difference in height: 590 m
Difficulty: intermediate
Recommended for: cyclists of every level

Leaving Brisighella behind, the cycle path continues its journey along the Statale 302 going up the hills towards Tuscany until it reaches, after about 155 km, the municipality of Marradi, home of the marron buono (the "good chestnut"), the last stage of the itinerary in Emilia-Romagna.

Ciclovia di Dante
Ciclovia di Dante Ph. TheCrowdedPlanet

The Dante's Cycle Path in Tuscany: 
from Marradi to Florence

Once you have crossed the regional border, you slowly descend towards Florence, the birthplace of Dante Alighieri. The last stretch of the path (70 km) is certainly shorter than the one traveled up to now, but no less fascinating and full of natural beauties that are just waiting to be discovered.

Discover the route on:

Discover Dante's Cycle Path:

 Discover the Vie di Dante with Stefano Accorsi:

Last update 10/03/2022

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