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Bomporto is located north-east of Modena, at the closest point between the Secchia and Panaro Rivers, before they branch off towards the Po. The municipality of Bomporto also includes the small towns of Villavara, Gorghetto, San Michele and Solara and the populous fraction of Sorbara.

Why visit it

Bomporto is a territory that combines its historical-artistic culture with food and wine.
The rural landscape offer many beautiful villas built since the sixteenth century, which often bear the names of the owners and which overlook the course of the Panaro, as a direct witness to the fluvial vocation of the territory, as well as the "Darsena Estense".

When to go and what to see

Several wineries producing Lambrusco di Sorbara are located in the territory of Bomporto, which are open to visitors especially during the event "Ruby Red. Lambrusco Wine Festival", organized by the Municipality of Bomporto between May and June.

Don't miss

Piazza Roma and the Church of San Nicola are found in the heart of Bomporto. Constructed in 1609, the church contains a beautiful Crucifixion featuring the Virgin and Saint John, painted by Begarelli in 1550.
The 19th century Town Hall was built in 1885 and, together with its council room - frescoed in the Risorgimento style - is particularly worthy of note. However, the town’s most significant architectural attraction remains the Darsena or Sostegno.
Constructed during the second half of the 18th century by Francesco II d'Este, it can still be visited today. This piece of hydraulic engineering was built as a means to control waters at the point in which the Naviglio and the Panaro River meet. A bridge is found when travelling towards Solara. Here, the Porte Vinciane - two enormous cement panels built to block the flow of the Canal on the Panaro when it rises above a certain level – can be admired.
Starting in the 17th century, several noble families for Modena built their villas in the Bomporto area. These include: Villa Scribani-Rossi, Villa Cavazza-Corte della Quadra, Villa La Garandina, il Palazzo Rangoni, Villa Manetta, Villa Reggiani-Gavioli, Villa Corni, Villa Benatti, Villa Cavicchioli, Villa Maria, Villa Guidelli, Villa Bruini-Federzoni, Villa Luppi and Villa Paltrinieri. Special mention must also be made of the Corte Giglioli and of Casa Seidenari, a staging post where couriers could change their horses.

In the surroundings

Not far from Bomporto is Sorbara, which gives its name to the homonymous Lambrusco wine. The Matildic Parish of Sorbara is also noteworthy; already documented in the year 816 AD.
Its bell tower is also famous and made of bricks (imitation of the Ghirlandina Tower in Modena) which according to legend are made with Lambrusco.

Last update 31/01/2021

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