Calderara di Reno

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Stretched along the left bank of the Reno river, at the centre of a territory on occupied by the Romans, this little location is the perfect starting point for visiting the surrounding territory.

Why visit it

In 43 BC great history was made in Calderara: according to some reconstructions in fact, in the nearby town of Sacerno, Octavian Augustus, Marco Antonio and Marco Emilio Lepido divided the Roman empire after Julius Caesar’s death, thus giving life to the Second Triumvirate. Today, this site is marked by a stele from the Baroque period, recently restored and placed along the banks of the Lavino stream.

Given the historical importance of the area, a section of the Environmental Archaeological Museum of Calderara is dedicated to the Roman period and displays many artifacts found in the area. 

On the table

In Calderara you can taste excellent local wines, such as the Reno Montuni DOC. In fact, Calderara di Reno is a member of the “Consorzio Tutela Vini del Reno DOC” (the local Association created to give value to the DOC wines of the Reno) and a member of the National Association of “Wine Cities”.

Significant appointments

The Calderarese Week, the most important series of events and appointments in the area, is held between the end of May and the beginning of June.

In the surroundings

Among the beautiful villas and country houses in the territory, of particular note are Villa Bassi, in Sacerno, and Villa Donini, in Longara (7 kms), which can only be visited when there are special events.

Also worth visiting is the complex of the Church of San Vitale in Longara (6 kms), the summer residence of Cardinal Lambertini, who later became Pope Benedict XIV.

Between Calderara and Castel Maggiore, along the Reno river, lies the Golena San Vitale, a protected natural area rich in plant and animal species, which features a rare and interesting example of lowland wood.

Information offices

Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico di Calderara di Reno
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 7 - Calderara di Reno (BO)
+ 39 051 6461205

Last update 24/09/2021

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