Castel San Pietro Terme

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Castel San Pietro Terme is on the border between Emilia and Romagna and renowned for its thermal spa, brand new 18-hole golf course and race-track.

The origin of spa treatments in Castel San Pietro dates back to 1337, although the first real spa facility was built in 1870. Even then, it was characterised by a completely medical, scientific approach.

Why visit it

The Terme di Castel San Pietro use both sulphurous and sodium chloride bromide and iodide water: in recent years, the traditional spa treatments have been joined by those of the wellbeing sector and rehabilitation, while there is also a special children’s section decorated with the artwork of its young guests.

When to go and what to see

Castel San Pietro Terme is worth a visit all year round, but it is spring and summertime when the town hosts various events.

While entering Castel San Pietro Terme town center, it is impossible to ignore the imposing presence of Cassero: symbol of the city, this ancient fortification today hosts the Municipal Theater. Once crossed the arch, narrow streets and portici will naturally lead the visitors to the living heart of this “Città Slow”: Square XX Settembre. This wide and curated is animated by markets and art installations all year round. During Christmas time, lights, decorations and nativity create an evocative atmosphere.
Overlooking the square, are the City Hall and Crucifix Sanctuary, which encloses an important part of history and traditions in Castel San Pietro Terme.
Moving towards Via Castelfidardo, very close to the square, and walking along it, it is possible to take a look at the remains of the ancient walls, that used to protect the town center: when at its peak, the defensive system could count on many walkways over the walls.

Don't miss

A small “oasis in town” is the Angels Garden: this beloved park was born to commemorate the early passing of a young girl from Castel San Pietro Terme. Today, it is the celebration of life: thanks to the great efforts of a group of volunteers, the spring bloomings are truly spectacular.

Another fascinating place is the Crypt of San Lorenzo church in Varignana: an underground crypt with three naves, enclosing history of ancient cults, even from Roman times.

On the table

Queen of the table is homemade pasta in all its expressions and shapes, but do not forget to try local crescentina fritta, salami and local fresh cheese.

Castel San Pietro is a soft, caciotta cheese made from both sheep’s and cow’s milk, along with grilled mutton chops and Savoiardo Castellano are the excellence product of the town.

In a town where the good living represents the fil rouge guiding the community development, great attention and importance is clearly reserved to safeguarding local gastronomic excellences: National Honey Observatory is located in Castel San Pietro Terme; many are the winemakers who chose these rolling hills for their vineyards to root, while in the close district of Varignana, the excellence is the “green gold”, Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Keeping fit

After exploring the town centre and its history, shops and restaurants, it is time to move for a walk in the nature. The high quality of life in Castel San Pietro Terme is not only due to the Thermal Baths, but also thanks to wide areas where nature is the protagonist. A few steps away from the center, is Lungo Sillaro Park: its century-old trees and flowing waters makes it a lovely place to enjoy some peace and tranquillity.

Bike enthusiasts fill find many itineraries crossing the town and surrounding territory.

This constant search for the good living transformed Castel San Pietro Terme into a wellbeing paradise: the famous Thermal Baths offer therapeutic paths thanks to the waters springing from Fegatella Spring, great attention to relax and wellness, with specialized treatments, massages and SPA.

To experience something new and enjoy the fresh evening on the hills, try the 18-holes green of Le Fonti Golf Club.

Significant appointments

During springtime takes place the Spring Fair of Cittaslow, named Very Slow Italy, where protagonists are the local and typical produce of Italian excellent gastronomy.

Not to be missed is the Pork Chop Festival during “Settembre Castellano”, featuring the famous “Carrera”, a race with motorless cars.
Every last Sunday of the month (with stops during summer and Christmas time), the town centre hosts Castro Antiquarium, traditional antiques market.

In the surroundings

Medieval village of Dozza, one of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, only 16 km away from Castel San Pietro Terme, truly is an open air museum. Walking around the streets of the village it is possible to admire the Muraled which decorate the town walls and the Sforza Fortress.

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche Castel San Pietro Terme
Piazza G. Acquaderni, 4 - Castel San Pietro Terme (BO)
+ 39 051 6954150
City Tourism Association of Castel San Pietro Terme
Via Ugo Bassi, 19 - Castel San Pietro Terme (BO)

Editorial Staff

Redazione Area imolese

Last update 22/02/2023

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