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A few kilometres from San Marino and Riccione, the territory of Coriano offers the tranquillity of an inland town. It has ancient origins and was certainly dominated by the Umbrians, the Etruscans and the Romans.

Why visit it

The countryside around Coriano is delightful: fields planted with vines and olives, scattered farmhouses and ancient villages still inhabited and lovingly preserved. Visitors to this part of the Malatesta Lordship sense that they are in a rich countryside where life has always been pleasant, for thousands of years; and certainly there are enough tokens and monuments from the past to support this belief.

The sea is very close – Rimini and Riccione stand on the borders of the valley – and if you look towards the mountains you will see the unmistakable outline of the three peaks of San Marino. Strictly speaking, Coriano is not situated in the Conca valley, but is instead the main town in the valley of the Marano River, a seasonal torrential stream which makes its way down from the hills marking the border between San Marino and Le Marche, covering 30 kilometres until it comes to the beaches between Rimini and Riccione.

This valley is a surprise to the visitor, a little green island so close to the busy towns, and beautifully-kept, offering a wealth of outdoor activities.

Don't miss

English War Cemetery

It is one of the biggest Italian Foreign Cemeteries. It is considered a garden-cemetery because of the many flowers that are present in it. The construction of this cemetery is the dramatic result of the "Gothic Line" breaking down, that ended the Second World War. The Commonwealth Authorities take care of the cemetery.

Municipal Theatre Corte

One of the few buildings to have survived the war and recently reopened under the name “Corte Coriano Teatro".

Museo Marco Simoncelli - La storia del SIC

This museum and art gallery is a journey through the achievements of the beloved motorcycle rider Marco Simoncelli (Sic ).

Significant appointments

  • Sangiovese Street Festival, the last weekend in August: presentation of new local wines that are an excellence of the territory.
  • Olive and autumn products fair, on the last two Sundays of November: the production of Coriano oil is among the most important in the Rimini area. The fair is an opportunity for tastings, exhibitions and purchases. Also meetings and conferences on agricultural products and crafts.

In the surroundings

Marano Valley

In the central part of the Malatesta Lordship, right between the Marecchia and Conca valleys, the Marano valley opens out. In the centre of the valley is Coriano, near which there is a beautiful river park.

Information offices

UIT Coriano
Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini, 8 - Coriano (RN)
+ 39 0541 656255 Opening: all year round

Last update 30/12/2020

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