Fornovo di Taro

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Fornovo is on the Francigena Way where the Po Valley plain meets the Lunigiana Valley, and from Fornovo it is possible to arrive at Borgo Val di Taro or Bardi. 

 It is next to the motorway Autostrada della Cisa.

Why visit it

Fornovo was an important stop in the Middle Ages on the pilgrims' road to Monte Bardone, along the Via Francigena route, and its name is also linked to the famous battle fought in 1495 between the army of the Italian League and that of Charles VIII.
Of interest to visitors are the 11th C Romanesque Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta, with its precious antelamic sculptures and the XIII century marble slab; the 17th C Villa Carona and the oil-well of Vallezza. 

Don't miss

Church of Saint Maria Assunta

In the centre of the village one of the most important parish churches of the area of Parma; inside, there are valuable narrative friezes and sculptural pieces from the Antelami school. On the façade, the scene depicting Hell and the deadly sins should be noted.

In the surroundings

A few kilometers from Fornovo it is possible to visit the Monte Prinzera Oriented Nature Reserve, an ophiolithic outcrop with an original profile in the landscape of the Middle Parma Apennines characterized by rare fauna and flora. Not far away you can also visit the Castle of Varano dè Melegari, an exceptional example of medieval defensive architecture.

Information offices

IAT Fornovo
Via XXIV Maggio, 2 - Fornovo di Taro (PR)
+ 39 0525 2599 + 39 346 9536300 + 39 0525 2599

Last update 27/12/2020

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