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This town is in the luscious countryside of the province of Ravenna, just a few kilometres northeast of Lugo.

Why visit it

The birthplace of the celebrated violin player Arcangelo Corelli is a pleasant rural town that represents well the part of Romagna that shies away from large urban areas.

Room with a view

The four-star Ca' Ruffo is a luxury hotel right in the heart of the town. The 19th century palace has modern rooms, a suite, two small rooms for meetings and an excellent restaurant.

Don't miss

For anyone happening to pass through the quiet countryside of Romagna, Fusignano is definitely worth a visit. The central Museo Civico San Rocco occupies the former 16th century hospital of the same name and houses the Collezione Amelia e Vincenzo Baroni, a rare and important collection of devotional ceramics, mostly depicting the Virgin Mary. The collection includes more than 200 items produced in Italy, France and Spain from the 16th to the 20th century.

The Museo Romagna Air Finders, which is divided into two exhibition sites , features hundreds of items related to the World War II air force, such as personal objects, clothes, uniforms, weapons, documents and other interesting things.

Worth mentioning is also the early 19th century monument dedicated to Celio Calcagnini, which is located in the square with the same name. The Canova-style monument is in the shape of an urn and celebrates the 15th century scientist, who was once mentioned also by Ariosto.

Significant appointments

Throughout the year important music reviews of various kinds are held and in spring we celebrate Arcangelo Corelli with the review of Baroque music Il suono antico.

The town’s patron saint is celebrated on September 8th (Festa della Patrona Fusiniani). The 16th century image of the Virgin has been carried in a procession through the town since 1627.

In the surroundings

Not far from the town, the parish church of San Savino is home to a monumental marble sarcophagus (AD 440 – 450) decorated with the initials of the Emperor Constantine, with images of plants and animals; there is also a christening font. Worth mentioning are the church’s contemporary art works: the statue of S. Savino made by Raoul Vistoli and the Via Crucis (1982) of the ceramists Bartoli and Cornacchia from Brisighella.

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Fusignano
Corso Renato Emaldi, 115 - Fusignano (RA)
+ 39 0545 955653 urp@comune.fusignano.ra.it

Last update 24/09/2021

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