Vigolo Marchese

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This is a small village in the municipality of Castell’Arquato, situated on the banks of the little river Chiavenna, where the Pianura Padana begins to change into beautiful hills covered with vineyards.

Why visit it

This small town is known for being one of the oldest settlements of Piacenza and there is also a very important Romanesque building.

When to go and what to see

The best season to visit is summer or also in autumn when the vines on the hills are colored yellow and red creating an awesome view.

In this bucolic landscape there is a very important Romanesque complex: a church and a baptistery dating from the early 11th century.

In 1008 or in 1012, Oberto II founded the Benedictine monastery dedicated to St. John the Baptist with a church and with a "Hospitale", which was a hostel for pilgrims along the Via Francigena.

The ancient church of S. John the Baptist was decorated inside with frescoes dating from the XI-XII centuries. It was, from a historical and artistic point of view, an important witness to the painting of the Pianura Padana.

Unfortunately, now there are only photographic reproductions of the frescoes in the church, instead the "Battistero" fortunately still has some fragments.

Don't miss

A tasting of wines of the hills of Piacenza (Colli Piacentini DOC) with “salumi” (meats) and cheeses at the “Azienda Vitivinicola Pusterla”.

Here, history, food and wine come together. In fact the origins of the buildings are very ancient: on the ruins of a roman country house a fortress was built around 1000, destroyed in 1314 and rebuilt in 1400.

On the table

If the classic food of Piacenza is the king of the table, the pride of this small town is the famous “Cake of Vigolo Marchese”, one of the best kept secret recipes. This chocolate delight is produced daily by Perazzi Bakery which is located next to the Romanesque church.

The village is located along the path of “the Road of Wines and Tastes of Piacenza Hills”.

Information offices

IAT R Castell'Arquato
Piazza del Municipio - Castell'Arquato (PC)
+ 39 0523 803215 + 39 0523 803563

Last update 13/07/2020

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