Villanova sull'Arda

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In the lower Piacenza area, a few kilometers from Piacenza and Cremona.

Why visit it

Villanova is known above all for having hosted the famous musician Giuseppe Verdi, who moved there in 1851 with his second wife Giuseppina Strepponi. From here he expanded his social and political commitment, also distinguishing himself as a landowner and cattle breeder.

When to go and what to see

In spring and summer when it is possible to walk among the cherry trees in bloom.

Don't miss

Worth seeing is the monument to Giuseppe Verdi, located at the entrance to the hospital, which the Maestro wanted to donate to the town of Piacenza.

In the hamlet of Sant’Agata, the Verdi villa can be visited and is open to the public.

On the table

River fish and the famous cherries when in season.

Having fun

The traditional cherry festival in June.

Significant appointments

The traditional cherry festival in June.

In the surroundings

What to see nearby: in the village of Sant’Agata, there is the residence of Giuseppe Verdi, nowadays hosting the museum dedicated to the master. The building is surrounded by a large, beautiful, romantic style park, designed by Verdi himself; the interior preserved the same furniture and objects belonging to the composer.

Information offices

IAT R Castell'Arquato
Piazza del Municipio - Castell'Arquato (PC)
+ 39 0523 803215 + 39 0523 803563

Last update 04/01/2021

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