Cinema-themed tours in Emilia-Romagna

Cinema-tourism itineraries to discover Emilia-Romagna

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It is almost impossible to find people who are resistant to the charm of cinema.

The stories that unfold on the big screen – these days, increasingly, on new portable devices and streaming channels – have the power to whisk us away from our everyday lives and catapult us into a new, imaginary world.

The medium of film – through the stories it tells and the talents of writers, actors, cinematographers and directors – is not only capable of amazing us or capturing our hearts and imagination, but also of shining a light on the landscape of a region and the treasures it contains in a unique and enchanting way.

Who among us, for example, has never dreamed of visiting the places where one of our favourite films was set? So, why not shift your focus onto something original when planning your next trip and let your passion for cinema be your inspiration?

Emilia-Romagna boasts an abundance of film-makers, and it has played a central role in cinematic history that few other regions in Italy can compete with. Since the “golden age of Italian cinema” in the last century, right up to the present day, numerous films have been shot in Emilia-Romagna, but more importantly, the region is where some of the best cinematographers in Italy honed their craft, such as Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Valerio Zurlini, Florestano Vancini, Bernardo and Giuseppe Bertolucci, Marco Bellocchio, Liliana Cavani, Pupi Avati and Giorgio Diritti.

So why not set off to discover the evocative locations that have been the central character of major film sets, or that inspired the creative minds of the great film-makers? From the countryside of Parma and Reggio Emilia, to the peaks of the Apennines, moving through beautiful Bologna and right down to the Rimini Riviera, where the Fellini Museum has recently been inaugurated.

A journey that takes you from the past to the present day in the world of cinema in Emilia-Romagna.

  1. The Bologna of Pier Paolo Pasolini
  2. The Rimini of Federico Fellini
  3. The Land of Don Camillo and Peppone
  4. The Lands of the twentieth century of Bernardo Bertolucci
Last update 12/02/2021
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