2 days on the Riviera - Night & Day

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How quickly does the Emilia-Romagna Riviera come to mind when you imagine spending two days relaxing and having fun? Probably no longer than a second!

Then why not set out to discover four iconic cities of Romagna, savouring the best of the daytime when the sun shines high in the sky, and of the night time when the music fills the beachfront?

  • Length
    48 hours
  • Interests
  • Target
  • First stop Cervia

    The smell of salt, sea and... pine trees! Your 48 hours on the Adriatic coast start in Cervia, with an alternative family day at the Cerviavventura nature park, where you can experience the thrill of walking on a tightrope on the suspended paths among the trees of the primeval pine forest.
    After experiencing the excitement of flying amid the pine trees, you can relax at leisure wandering on the pine forest trails, exploring the botanical path and the animal pens.

    Your next stop is a guided tour of the famous salt pans, an extraordinary nature reserve that is part of the Po Delta Park. Stepping through this age-old territory, you’ll constantly be reminded of the unique qualities of this natural environment, where around 100 bird species, including nearly a hundred flamingos, live and surprisingly find the best living conditions. If you are careful not to frighten these regular guests, you can observe them in all of their elegance.
    Paying a visit to the Magazzino del Sale Torre [Torre Salt Storehouse] is well worth your time: its name speaks to its past, though now it accommodates exhibitions, shows and live performances.

    The program for the evening includes relocating to the glittering Milano Marittima, a music hub hosting many evening events throughout the year.

  • Second stop Rimini

    Your second day is dedicated to an stunning pair: Rimini and Riccione!
    It starts in Rimini with 8 ½ stops on the trail of Federico Fellini. Although the famous director never shot any films here, this city influenced his artistic imagination the most and you can still sense the presence of his genius while walking down the streets of the city centre. After this tour down memory lane, you can decide whether to spend the rest of the day at the beach, at the spa or at Aquafan in Riccione.

    Riminiterme is the only spa complex in Emilia-Romagna using both sea and thermal waters for therapies and treatments: a double benefit complete with an atmosphere of pure harmony.

  • Third stop Riccione

    Aquafan, on the other hand, is the ideal destination of fun for the whole family: games, slides, dinghies, DJ sets and concerts enhanced by the water feature and a splash of adrenaline.

    Whatever you decide, leisure and fun will accompany you until dinner, which is the perfect time to head to the Riccione seafront.
    Starting at sunset the town is infused with pure energy as it comes to life, promising unforgettable moments amidst sunset aperitifs, restaurants, dance clubs and live music venues. By the way, don’t forget to try the piadina!

Last update 11/04/2022

Information offices

IAT Cervia
Via Evangelisti, 4 - Cervia (RA)
+ 39 0544 974400 + 39 0544 977194 iatcervia@cerviaturismo.it Opening: all year round
IAT - Ufficio Informazioni Rimini Centro Città
Piazzale Battisti, 1 - Rimini (RN)
+ 39 0541 51331 + 39 0541 53399 stazione@visitrimini.com info@visitrimini.com Opening: all year round
IAT Riccione
Piazzale Ceccarini, 11 - Riccione (RN)
+ 39 0541 426050 iat@comune.riccione.rn.it Opening: all year round

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